Dragon Age Inquisition: M3 The Hinterlands Quest Map (2024)

Areas where you start main quests

Important areas visited while completing main quests

Areas where you start side quests

Important areas visited while completing side quests

Important areas visited while completing side quests

13a � Apostates in Witchforest quest: location of apostates.

16a � Memories of the Grey: Area where you can find the Griffon Feather.

16b � Memories of the Grey: Area where you can find the Maps of the Deep Roads.

44a � Astarium

44b � Astarium

42d � Rift (level: very hard)

8a � Return Policy quest: chapel.

43c � Shards in Hinterlands quest, Ocularum.

42e � Rift (level: very hard)

44c � Astarium

12b � In the Elements quest: Apostate caches.

12c � In the Elements quest: Apostate caches.

42f � Rift (level: latwy)

12d � In the Elements quest: Apostate caches.

24a � Agrarian Apostate quest: Templars in possession of the widow's object.

42g � Rift (level: easy).

12e � In the Elements quest: Apostate caches.

21a � Open a Vein quest: Destination.

42h � Rift (level: medium).

12a � In the Elements quest: Apostate caches.

42i � Rift (level: easy)

22a � Love Waits quest: Talk to Lord Bernard.

25a � My Lover's Phylactery quest: Ellandra - you must bring the phylactery to her.

28a � Shallow Breaths quest: Take the potion from Hyndel.

27a � Conscientious Objector: Hut mentioned in the letter.

1b � Seanna and "In the Saddle" quest.

17a � Bergrit's Claws quest: Area where you can encounter large bears.

23a � Strange Bedfellows quest: Area where you can find Ritts.

19a � Blood brothers quest: search body laying in the front of the hut.

42j � Rift (level: medium).

43e � Shards in Hinterlands quest, Ocularum.

20a � Sketch Of Calenhad's Foothill quest: the treasure.

18a � Deep Trouble quest: entrace into Valmmar.

42k � Rift (level: medium).

36a � Map To A Farmland Cave quest: location of the cave.

37a � Hinterland Who's Who quest: put a letter into letter box in the front of a house.

30a � Business Arrangements quest: talk to sister Tanner standing near the campfire.

39a � Flowers for Senna: put flowers at the tombstone.

31a � Playing with fire: walk clockwise around the statue and kill demon.

41a � The Ballad of Lord Woolsley quest: find the ram, which is looking differently and go near it.

39a � A Spirit at the Lake quest: put ino gold bowl Blood Lotus.

43d � Shards in Hinterlands quest, Ocularum.

44d � Astarium: hidden cave available after unlocking all of astariums.

45a � One Less Venatori quest: kill mage.

45b � One Less Venatori quest: kill mage.

33a � Stone Dreams quest: kill apostate in the cave.

Important areas visited while completing main quests

1a � The Threat Remains quest: Area where you meet with Harding.

1b � The Threat Remains quest: Crossroads where you must take part in a big battle.

1c � The Threat Remains quest: Area where you meet with corporal Vale.

2a � In Hushed Whispers quest: A rift located next to Redcliffe's main gate.

2b � In Hushed Whispers quest: Entrance to the tavern.

Important areas visited while completing side quests

1a � Master of horses quest: house of Master Dennet.
Horses for Inquisition: after finishing Dennet's requests (Farmland security and Trouble with wolves quests) go talk to him again.

Important areas visited while completing main quests

2c � In Hushed Whispers quest: Entrance to the chantry.

Areas where you start side quests

17 � Bergrit's Claws quest (letter).

18 � Deep Trouble quest: Key to Valammar.

19 � Blood Brothers quest (letter).

20 � Sketch Of Calenhad's Foothill quest (the map).

21 � Open a Vein quest: Letter.

22 � Love Waits quest (letter).

23 � Strange Bedfellows quest: Questgiver.

24 � Agrarian Apostate: Quest from the widow.

25 � My Lover's Phylactery quest (letter).

27 � Conscientious Objector quest: Key to the hut.

26 � Praise the Herald of Andraste quest: Talk to Anais (she's standing in front of the gate).

28 � Shallow Breaths quest: Talk to the refugee.

29 � Hunger Pangs quest: Talk to the hunter.

30 � Business Arrangements quest: kill apostates and search for the leater at dead body.

31 � Playing with Fire quest: letter near dead body.

32 � The Mercenary Fortress quest: letter with orders, on which is marked fortress location.

33 � Stone Dreams quest: read journal laying in hut.

Important areas visited while completing side quests

2a � Seeing Red quest: Red lyrium deposit.

Areas where you start side quests

34 � East Road Bandits quest: get rid off bandits (3 groups).

35 � Measuring The Veil quest: enter the cave and active special device.

36 � Map To A Farmland Cave quest.

37 � Hinterland Who's Who quest: letter in cave.

38 � A Spirit in the Lake: talk to Storyteller in Redclife at statue.

39 � Flowers for Senna quest: talk to Widower.

40 � A Healing Hand quest: talk to healer and persuade her to cooperation.
Quests: The Common Treatment, An Advanced Treatment, A Rare Treatment: bring the herbs.

41 � The Ballad of Lord Woolsley quest: talk to One-Eyed Jimmy.

46 � Unfinished Business quest: kill a target.

47 � Favors the First Enchanter quest: find a book on top of the tower.

48 � Songs - Stop near the bards encountered in the Redcliffe village.

Important areas visited while completing side quests

49a � What Lies Dormant quest: close the veil in the cave.

2b � Seeing Red quest: Red lyrium deposit.

2c � Seeing Red quest: Red lyrium deposit.

4a � Farmland security quest: place you need to tag.

3a � Trouble with wolves quest: kill all the wolves in the cave.

4c � Farmland security quest: place you need to tag.

4b � Farmland security quest: place you need to tag.

5a � Letter From A Lover quest: statue, bring here Felandaris.

43a � Shards in Hinterlands quest, Ocularum.

43b � Shards in Hinterlands quest, Ocularum.

42a � Rift (level: hard)

42b � Rift (level: easy)

42c � Rift (level: easy)

7a � Where the Druffalo Roam quest: lost farmer's Druffalo.

7b � Where the Druffalo Roam quest: take back an animal to farm behind the house and inform farmer about that.

9a � Failure to deliver quest: hidden package - use area scan to see it.

10a � Map to waterfall quest: go behind waterfall in Templars camp and after using area scanning take hidden treasure.

11a � Templars to the West quest: Templars camp.

14a � The Lone Warden quest: Area where you can find Blackwall.

15a � Favors the First Enchanter quest: Area where you can find a Circle tome.

Areas where you start side quests

3 � Trouble with wolves quest: talk to Eleine.

6 � Safeguards Against Looters quest (letter).

10 � Map to waterfall quest .

8 � Return Policy quest (letter by the corpse).

2a � Song

4 � Farmland security quest: talk to Bron.

2b � Song (after tagging this point)

5 � Letter From A Lover quest (letter on a bench).

7 � Where the Druffalo Roam quest: poster on board.

Important areas visited while completing side quests

6a � Safeguards Against Looters quest: grab content of chest on the rock.

Areas where you start side quests

9 � Failure to deliver quest (letter).

11 � Templars to the West quest (letter).

12 � In the Elements quest: Find 5 apostate caches for recruit Whittle.

13 � Apostates in Witchwood quest (letter in cave).

Dragon Age Inquisition: M3 The Hinterlands Quest Map (2024)


What level should I be to fight the dragon in the hinterlands in Dragon Age Inquisition? ›

If you play the game like a normal person and don't take an overpowered party with 2 tanks and 2 mages with resistance gear, 13-15 should be good (on normal). The dragon itself is level 14 for reference. Anything four levels higher than you cause increased amounts of damage.

How to bring grandfather back in Dragon Age? ›

The moss-covered statue holding a crown is found in the Avvar Blade Valley, next to the Thelm Gold-Handed, the Tempter landmark. Move around the statue clock-wise three times to spawn the Grandfather's corpse from the nearby grave.

Where are the landmarks in Dragon Age Inquisition Hinterlands? ›

Location landmarks

Redcliffe Windmill - located on the upper path on the way to Redcliffe Village. Hero of Ferelden Monument - found in Redcliffe Village. Fort Connor - found northwest of the Upper Lake Inquisition Camp. Grand Forest Villa - located at the southwestern most corner of the Hinterlands map.

Which dragon is weakest Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Northern Hunter is the weakest dragon in the game so if you have progressed through the many story enough to access Crestwood so should be able to fight the dragon.

What is the toughest dragon in Inquisition? ›

As if the name doesn't give it away, the Highland Ravager is the most dangerous dragon in base Inquisition and it has no problem taking down Inquisitors of any level. According to Dragon Age: The World Of Thedas Volume 2, Ravagers are particularly notorious for their catastrophic rampages across the continent.

How do you get the map cave story? ›

The Map System is located in the Mimiga Village after Quote leaves the First Cave. It is contained in a chest that can be seen below the Assembly Hall. To reach it, Quote needs to jump onto a couple of disjointed platforms, one the width of a single block.

How to convince Dennet to provide horses? ›

Horses for the Inquisition is automatically triggered once you have resolved both Trouble with Wolves and Farmland Security. Speak to Dennet after those quests are finished. Note that his location is not marked on the map when you pursue this quest, but he remains inside his farmhouse.

Where is the farm cave? ›

The Farm Cave is a cave at the back of the Farm. Initially useless, once you get 25,000g in total earnings, Demetrius will come to you with a proposition.

Who is the secret boss in Dragon Age? ›

Malvernis is a secret boss, though there is no quest given for fighting it, nor is defeating it a requirement for the Tower Sweeper achievement.

Can you become dwarf king in Dragon Age? ›

You can not become king/queen as a dwarf noble.

How many endings are there in Dragon Age? ›

There are four possible endings.

Where is Valammar in Hinterlands? ›

Valammar is just a little bit south from the camp on the map. Just above the camp is a lake area. You'll eventually come back here to recruit Blackwall. Follow the lake to the waterfall.

Where is the high dragon in the hinterlands? ›

It can be found in Lady Shayna's Valley; the northeasternmost region of the Hinterlands, situated north of the Dusklight Inquisition Camp.

Where is the apostate stronghold in the hinterlands? ›

Search Witchwood for the entrance to the Apostate Stronghold. Head towards the highlighted area on the World map, and continue on north to reach the stronghold. The campsite just outside the stronghold will have several apostates wandering about.

What level should you be for each area in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Area NameEnemy LevelsMetals/Stone
Exalted Plains11 - 16Everite Obsidian Lazurite Veridium
The Emerald Graves15 - 20Bloodstone Dawnstone Everite Iron Obsidian Pyrophite Stormheart
Emprise du Lion19 - 23Bloodstone Dawnstone Silverite
Hissing Wastes19 - 20Amrita Lazurite Nevarrite Serpentstone Volcanic Aurum
9 more rows
Nov 18, 2014

What level should I be to go to Dragon Isles? ›

Dragon Isles Requirements

In order to travel to the Dragon Isles, you will need to own the new Dragonflight expansion and have a character currently at level 58 or higher. It does not matter which version of the Dragonflight expansion you have purchased, all versions grant access to the Dragon Isles starting quests.

What level should I be for Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC? ›

If you read the war table description it does have recommended levels. For Descent the game recommends level 17 but I'd go a bit higher most of the gear you pick up is can't be used until you're at least level 19 or 20. I'd say the same for Jaws of Hakkon the gear you pick up there starts at level 20.


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