8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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I went in for my first ultrasound today. If my calculations were correct I would be just over 8 weeks ( I am pretty certain on dates). The tech took a transvagin*l u/s and saw the gestational sac, fetus, and yolk sac, but we’re not sure on the heartbeat they said maybe a flicker. I go back in 1 1/2 weeks for another u/s to see if anything has progressed. Anyone with similar experience? I am preparing for worst, but trying to stay optimistic because I am not cramping or bleeding. Could the baby catch up ?..

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I don’t think there is any need to worry. I don’t know why this happens, but I was also off by 3 weeks by my calculations and all is well. I went in for a second us two weeks later, and baby is growing normally. Hoping for the best for you!

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I think there are a lot of variables including when in your cycle you ovulate. If you ovulate late in your cycle your LMP may not be the best indicator. Hope everything goes well with your next scan. Try to stay present and remind yourself that in this moment everything is okay.

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Hey lady! The same thing happened to me. I thought I was 8 weeks, went for my ultrasound and measured at 6 weeks. They could see everything but a heartbeat. I’m going in tomorrow to see if baby grew. It’s been a long week, but I’m staying hopeful!

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I had the same thing happen to me today too! I thought I was 8 weeks but my baby measured at 6 weeks. I thought I would receive this news because I thought I probably ovulated late. We were able to hear the heart beat though at 117 �� My doctor said it’s pretty normal to measure behind a week or 2.

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heartbeat it promising! Good luck!

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wow same thing happened to me and I measured at 6 weeks, 2 days with a fetal heart rate of 117bpm as well!! According to my calculations I was over 8 weeks along as well. Learning to trust the doctors and their wisdom ���� ovulation and every woman’s cycle can be SO different

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8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (51)


I’m in the same boat and I’m a nervous wreck. I’m certain of my dates too. Confirmed by opk and temp spike, then temp dip (implantation) 8dpo and positive test 10dpo. We did see a heartbeat though. Dr said it was normal for 6 weeks but didn’t tell me exactly. He said it is concerning but since I’m not bleeding or anything that we still have a chance.

I go in next Monday to see if baby is still growing. I will be thinking of you.

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Since we were trying I kept tabs on everything too, but I had a chemical pregnancy the month before so I’m not sure what is normal for me. Good luck Monday!

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did you still have spotting or pregnancy symptoms with chemical pregnancy?

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Yes. The previous month I had a chemical pregnancy. Received my BFP, period date had past, then 7 days later I had a little dark blood when I wiped in the morning. I called the doctor, but by the evening I was bleeding heavy and knew.

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I am so antsy for tomorrow! Ahhh I don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight. But I am hopeful! Keep me in your prayers! I’ll let you know how it goes.

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your in my thoughts today!

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The same thing happened to me as well!

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8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (94)


Same happened here. I went in for my first sono when I thought I was 9w+2 according to my last period date but the tech told me the baby measured 7w+1d. We were able to see a heartbeat and that's all that I cared about. the Dr. wasn't worried so scheduled me for 4 weeks out which when I go back on 4/23 I should be 11w and hopefully baby is measuring closer.

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Same thing happened to me. Supposed to be 7 weeks but measured 6 with only a flicker. Worried because there wasn’t a strong heartbeat yet

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8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (107)



same thing happened to me Monday. Went in thinking I was 7w2d by LMP and baby only measured 6w2d with a heartbeat but doctor didn’t tell me what the BPM were.

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Yeah same here. We did ivf so we know our dates pretty well and our babe is measuring a week behind and has a lower heartbeat than normal (at 75 and wants it to be 100). So scared but going back next week to see what’s happening. They gave me a “miscarriage kit” just in case which was so disheartening

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what happened? hope it was okay

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8 week Ultrasound, Measuring 6 weeks - November 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (126)


Same happened to me. I went in and it was measuring small and they had me come back a week and a half later. On that date I was 7 weeks 6 days but measuring at 7 weeks 1 day. Doctor thinks I ovulated slower (which was one of their main theories on why it took 2.5 years to conceive even using letrozole and trigger shots).

My younger sister is 26 weeks and has measured small just about the entire time. Don’t be stressed until they say there is something to stress about.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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