Is this plan for you/your family, or for business?
Are you or your spouse turning 65 or older?
How many employees will be covered?
Do you get health coverage at work?
Do you get health coverage at work?
Thank you!
You told us you're looking for company plans for one person.
To provide coverage for a single employee, we suggest our individual and family plans.
Your employee will enjoy an affordable plan that provides quality care with access to our wide network of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and labs. Of course, we also offer plans for businesses of all sizes.
Explore our small business options.
Thank you!
You told us you're looking forhealth plans for 2 to 50employees.
You can stay on budget andprovide quality coverage withKaiser Permanente plans for smallbusiness.
And because no one knows youremployees like you do, you'll havethe flexibility to customize yourplan offerings from a wide suite ofoptions. Choose from medical,prescription, vision, dental, andcomplementary and alternativemedicine (in most locations).
You'll also have access to ourindustry-leading workforce healthand employee assistance programs,plus online tools and support tomanage your plans.
Explore small business options.
Thank you!
You told us you're looking forhealth plans for more than 50employees.
We recommend our mid-to-largebusiness plans.
With options for growing localbusinesses as well as multi-stateand national employers, we've gotyou covered.
You can even customize plans tohelp you stay on budget — or createrecruitment incentives — with asuite of medical, prescription,vision, dental, and complementaryand alternative medicine (in mostlocations).
Our built-in workforce health andemployee assistance programs areproven to help employees find themotivation to reach their healthgoals. You may even see thebenefits of higher productivity andfewer sick days.
Explore plans and rates.
Are you a current or retired federal employee?
Thank you!
Based on your answers, you might want to explore Medicare.
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that covers millions of Americans. The plans are designed for people 65 and over, and for people with certain qualifying disabilities or conditions.
Our Kaiser PermanenteMedicare health plans provide quality care from a connected team that includes your doctor, specialists, and pharmacists, working together for you. All of our available doctors welcome our Medicare health plan members – and you canswitch to a different Kaiser Permanente doctor at any time, for any reason. Plus, you'll feel confident knowing that all of our Medicare health plans earned high ratings from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.*
Get started with Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plans.
Already a member? Keep a good thing going.
*Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.
In California, Hawaii, and Washington, Kaiser Permanente is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. In Colorado, Oregon, Southwest Washington, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, Kaiser Permanente is an HMO and HMO-POS plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Kaiser Permanente depends on contract renewal.
You must reside in the Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plan service area in which you enroll.
Medicare nondiscrimination notice| Language assistance
This page was last updated: October 1, 2022, at 12 a.m. PT
Are you a current or retired federal employee?
Thank you!
You told us that you're under65, looking for a plan for yourselfand/or your family, and don't gethealth coverage at work.
Our individual and family plansare designed just for you.
You'll enjoy affordable, qualitycare with access to our widenetwork of doctors, hospitals,pharmacies, and labs. Plus, you canmanage your health online withtools that help you get and stayhealthy.
View Health Plans.
Even though you're under 65, youmight qualify for Medicare if youalready collect social security, ormeet certain requirements.Find outif you're eligible.
If certain requirements are met,you may qualify for Medicaid.
Thank you!
It sounds like you're a federal employee who's 65 or over.
You may be eligible for our special Medicare plans designed just for federal employees — current or retired.
You might even be able to keep your Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) coverage and add Medicare benefits, all for the same low premium.
Learn more about Medicare for federal employees.
Thank you!
Based on your answers, you might want to explore Medicare.
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that covers millions of Americans. The plans are designed for people 65 and over, and for people with certain qualifying disabilities or conditions.
Our Kaiser Permanente health plans provide quality care from a connected team that includes your doctor, specialists, and pharmacists, working together for you. All of our available doctors welcome our Medicare health plan members – and you can change to another available Kaiser Permanente doctor at any time, for any reason. Plus, you'll feel confident knowing that all of our Medicare health plans earned high ratings from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.*
Get started with Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plans.
Already a member? Keep a good thing going.
*Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.
In California, Hawaii, and Washington, Kaiser Permanente is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. In Colorado, Oregon, Southwest Washington, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, Kaiser Permanente is an HMO and HMO-POS plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Kaiser Permanente depends on contract renewal.
You must reside in the Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plan service area in which you enroll.
Medicare nondiscrimination notice |Language assistance
This page was last updated: October 1, 2022, at 12 a.m. PT
Thank you!
You told us that you're afederal employee under 65.
Check out our plans designed forcurrent and retired federalemployees.
Choose from options to meet yourbudget, lifestyle, and healthneeds. Get access to our widenetwork of doctors, hospitals,pharmacies, and labs. And manageyour health online with tools thathelp you get and stay healthy.
Explore federal employee plans.
Thank you!
You told us that you're under65, looking for a plan for yourselfand/or your family, and get healthcoverage at work.
Our employee plans offeraffordable, quality care withaccess to our wide network ofdoctors, hospitals, pharmacies, andlabs. Plus, you can manage yourhealth online with tools that helpyou get and stay healthy.
You can learn more about the typesof plans we offer, or get completeinformation about plan options fromyour company's benefitsadministrator.
In the meantime, find out whatmakes Kaiser Permanente a greatchoice and see what it's like to bea member.